A hillarious collection of funny exam memes for students appearing for board exams in2022 that will make them go LOL & ROFL amidst the exam stress. For those who already graduated, it's a collection of funny school memes, college life memes and test memes to re-visit those happy times.
School and College days are two of the best phases of life. Right from the first day at school to the summer vacations, doing group studies to getting punished in groups, from sharing food to sharing gossip, be it morning prayers or be it birthday songs, the sports day or the cultural programs, be it Industrial visit or a camp, doing experiments at the laboratory to playing pranks on friends, sleeping in class to sleeping in the school bus, having silly fights with classmates to crying together on the farewell, every single memory of those days overwhelms us even after ages. Have a quick flashback of your school days with the funny school memes depicting common school life scenarios.
We never had bulky responsibilities or troublesome challenges in life back then.
Oh, wait! Didn’t we have any troubles?
No way! We faced one of the biggest threats then. Remember?
It has many names, such as Exams, Semesters, Tests, Surprise Tests, Cycle Tests, Practical Exams, Theory Exams, etc. And after the exams, came the Results, Mark Sheets, PTM, Backlogs, Supplementary, Arrears, Re-test, etc.
Here is a collection of exam memes weaved as a meme story for a hilarious flashback of the exam times in your school/college days.

Firstly, we won’t study the entire year and just before the exams, we request our teacher to give important questions having a higher probability to be asked in the exam.

After realizing that the important book is important, you try to upload the syllabus to the brain. But the network between your book and the brain is so vulnerable that the uploading happens at a speed of 1G. You expected to upload it at a speed of 5G!? Come one, get realistic!

Wish there could be a technology in future where the books and brain could be connected via wi-fi and the contents can be shared directly!
Anyway, we somehow convince our brain to study and open the books after motivating ourselves to the core. After studying for a few moments, our companions start visiting us. Guess who?
Sleep and dreams!

Translation: You proceed, I shall follow you.
To get rid of sleep and refresh ourselves, we switch to our phones.
Now, what!?
As soon as you touch the phone, your parents appear. You may study for two-three hours and no one will notice but as soon as you touch your phone, they appear. What a connection, tho!?
And then you know what happens.

Translation: Take my life
Oh, such a tragic sequence! But just hold your tears, don’t shed them so early.
The phone’s gone, so now what?
You start having an emotional backdrop and then gather your emotions and get back to study. And the beauty is your brain brings you troves of old memories and refrains you from studying. But still, you manage to study at least 1/4th of the syllabus.
Before the theory exams, you are greeted with practical exams. All the year you would have only played with the apparatus in the lab but now you have to at least pretend to use those apparatus accurately in front of the external supervisor.

In the practical experiment, even though you don't get accurate results, you somehow end up writing the correct readings by mugging them up beforehand. The only irony is when the supervisor accidentally finds quite a huge mismatch between the reading you obtained and the reading you noted down in the exam paper. But that's when the lab technicians help you and come as your saviour.
There are also computer practicals including complicated coding.

Why is the compiler so heartless!?
After the experiment, it's time for the Viva session, basically a session where you unknowingly roast yourself and cordially invite the examiner to do the same.

Move on from all the humiliation you faced in the viva and get ready for the big day.
Woohoo! It’s exam day.
You and your friends plan to cheat. But then there’s one innocent guy who tells, “We shouldn’t cheat, yaar.”

Translation: Do you have any other option?
Ultimately you convince this guy to cheat too. After all, we are too good at brainwashing our friends, right?
Now you get to the exam hall and find that you cannot take up the exam. Why?

Translation: When did it happen?
Attendance is another trouble when you are in college. Sorry that I failed to mention it above. Failing because of securing marks less than required is something common. Legends fail because of having an attendance percentage below the required one. Somehow you beg, pay the fine and manage to get inside the exam hall.
But wait, the tragedy doesn’t end here. Just when you’re about to step inside the exam hall you realize that you’ve forgotten to bring your hall ticket.
Just imagine!

Ek baar bina mangalsutra ke shaadi might be possible but attending an exam without a hall ticket is totally impossible.
“Aasmaan se gire, khajoor mein atke.” – a perfect saying to describe this situation.
You then pay the fine, buy an alternate copy of the hall ticket from the office and then enter the exam hall.
The exam gets started but before that, the supervisor gives you the instructions.

Now, you get the question paper.

You keep reading the question paper and find that a few questions are the ones that you studied.

That eternal happiness just can’t be explained! But still, you have to answer a few more questions to pass the exam.
You try to look at your friend to get his/her help. But you find him/her cheating all alone without helping you.

Translation: You must be hanged
Shortly, the supervisor finds him/her cheating in the exam and punishes him/her.

Translation: Don’t look at me, I’ll not be able to help you.
Without knowing the answers, somehow you try to write some crap on the answer sheet. But the supervisor keeps staring at your answer sheet.

Translation: Will you please get away from here?
You somehow try to recall the lessons from what you heard in class in the past. But as you try to remember the answers, songs hack your brain.
You won’t be reminded of those songs even during Antakshari but while writing an exam, the whole of your playlist gets played on a loop in your mind.

Translation: Get away from my way
You somehow try to overcome the music effect. Meanwhile, supervisors are provided with snacks during the exam.

Translation: I want the snacks too
But no, you are not provided with snacks. You are only provided with additional sheets.
And there are some people who keep asking for additional sheets. Like, seriously!? Is it some giveaway contest where the more additional sheets you get, the more marks you’ll receive?

These are the people who demotivate you and get your blood pressure raised.
You then try to look at answers from other friends who are seated a little away in the exam hall.

Translation: Here I go, there I go
Fed up of trying to copy, you try to sleep in the exam hall. But do you think that’s so easy?

You decide to fill up the MCQs then.

Though you would have filled it all just in fluke still it’s so stressful to do inky pinky ponky for every question. Right?
The exam somehow comes to an end and you get out of the exam hall.

But the trouble doesn’t end here. As soon as you come out of the exam hall, you find some cruel creatures discussing answers out of the exam hall. And just by overhearing their talks, you get to know that you’re definitely going to fail. Now you start praying to God.

Translation: Dear, this is an exception to the exception
Do you think such prayers get answered? I guess God would go lol too on hearing such prayers.
So, after the exams, it's time for results and you know how only your teacher can save you.

Translation: Just once! Please, one last time!
After the exams when you expect a long vacation to chill, you receive special notice for special classes during holidays owing to poor performance in exams.

During these special classes, teachers discuss the answers to the questions that appeared in exams. The trouble is when the teacher starts reading out the answers from our answer sheet in front of the class.

Huh! Take a chill pill!
How well did this meme story take you on a journey of exam time fun?
You can share your reviews in the comments section and yeah, you are welcome to share other examination situations that I might have missed mentioning above.